

模板是可以准备的,但是模板无法帮你应付所有作文题目,而且如果只是生硬地套模板,作文也会显得不自然,分数可能会不高,我总结了 100 个动词和 30 个万能句型,适用于所有考研作文。

4 年多前,何凯文老师邀请我撰写考研英文写作的范文。但我自觉对考研写作不是很熟悉,所以拒绝了。





第三章:100 个动词+30 个句型夯实写作基础


第五章:考研写作必须清楚的 10 个秘密


如果考前你准备这样一张表格,任何一幅漫画作文,你其实已经提前写好了 85%。剩下的是根据具体的漫画内容进行细节填充和主题词重申。

之所以能做到这一点,是因为这张表格的基础是:所有考研漫画作文的主题永远只有一个——养成 XX 习惯/能力/品质。


比如上面这幅 2011 年的漫画,很多参考书把它归类到了环境保护这一类,但你准备环境保护的内容往往是自然资源、生物多样性或者环境污染相关,这些对于这幅图而言都太大了。所以强行套你准备的东西就容易跑题。但如果我把它的主题定义成「漫画呼吁我们养成保护环境,不要随手扔垃圾的习惯」,有没有问题?肯定没有,甚至更合适,因为漫画主题切忌发散,主题与漫画中的行为越直接,你跑题的可能性越小。

你想象一下,如果一幅考研漫画最后的落脚点不是「养成 XX 习惯/能力/品质」,那么这幅漫画还有任何撰写文章的意义吗?它如何弘扬社会主义核心价值观?有时候即使漫画中没有出现人,但它一定是反映某一现实场景,而这一场景肯定是能够与人相结合的。

再如 2010 年雷倒一大帮考生的「神题」——文化火锅。



主题确定后,你只需要提前准备 4 个放之四海而皆准的观点,在考场上从 4 个里面选 2 个最契合题目的观点,第二段就大功告成了。这里给出四个我常用的观点:

\1. 融入社会

\2. 实现人生目标

\3. 培养积极的态度

\4. 建立竞争优势

比如 2010 年的文化火锅,主题确定为「呼吁我们培养开放思维,融合不同文化的习惯」,它的两个观点可以是上面的 3 和 4。

\3. 开放思维融合不同文化的人,更容易培养积极的心态。

First of all, the progress of embracing foreign cultures』 outstanding parts is crucial for us to foster a positive mindset. No one can deny the fact that sticking to this goal can, to a large extent, motivate us to achieve excellence.


\4. 汲取其他文化中的精华,能够帮助我们建立竞争优势。

Secondly, integrating other excellent cultures is the basis for our competitive advantage. Undoubtedly, if citizens in a nation cannot cultivate this quality from an early age, this nation will be put in a very disadvantageous position when it comes to competing with others, and they are more likely to fail



In short, it is extremely crucial to develop the quality of integrating other cultures' positive parts into our own culture, which is of great significance to helping us foster a positive mindset and accumulate competitive advantages. Therefore, we must always remind ourselves and the people around us not to give up the pursuit of it.


最后,2010 年神题「文化火锅」,可以写成这样:

According to the picture, we can see a pot containing a number of blocks. There are Chinese characters on them, such as 「Kung fu」, 「Buddhism」 and 「Peking opera」. In addition, the title below the picture is very eye-catching: cultural hotpot enriches our lives. On the one hand, this painting is very simple, with only a few strokes, but on the other hand, it evokes my deep thoughts on the subject behind it.

The idea this cartoon wishes to convey is very clear, mainly calling for us to attach more importance to the quality of opening our mind to different cultures. First of all, integrating other excellent cultures is the basis for our competitive advantage. Undoubtedly, if citizens in a nation cannot cultivate this quality from an early age, this nation will be put in a very disadvantageous position when it comes to competing with others, and they are more likely to fail. Secondly, the progress of embracing foreign cultures』 outstanding parts is crucial for us to foster a positive mindset. No one can deny the fact that sticking to this goal can, to a large extent, motivate us to achieve excellence.

In short, it is extremely crucial to develop the quality of integrating other cultures' positive parts into our own culture, which is of great significance to helping us foster a positive mindset and accumulate competitive advantages. Therefore, we must always remind ourselves and the people around us not to give up the pursuit of it.

这篇作文,除了加粗的内容,其他全部都来自这张万能表格。来自表格的内容约占全文的 85%。并且文章主题一共重复出现了 6 次,绝无跑题的风险。

过去 20 年的所有考研漫画作文,全部都可以用这种方式撰写,没有一篇例外:


图表作文和漫画作文一样,主体第二段也可以准备几个普适性较强的观点,比如你可以从社会角度,个人角度和商家/政府/媒体角度来分析表格描绘的现象。图表作文的万能表格就是以 2018 年考研英语二的试题为原型撰写的。


第三章、100 个动词突破考研英文写

上面介绍了万能表格,但无论它再万能,考场上面对大作文,也会有 3-5 个句子需要你自己写。并且如果小作文碰上告示、备忘录这种很难提前准备的题目,那你就只能硬着头皮现场创作。这时候就非常考验同学们的写作基本功了。

对了,大作文里,考场上根据试题独立撰写的 3-5 个句子其实非常重要。如果你脱离万能表格的句子在语法、搭配和拼写方面漏洞百出,那你在老师眼里还是会现出原形的。


100 词突破考研英文写作并非哗众取宠。因为很多同学掌握的主动词汇(在口语写作中能够主动用起来的词,相对于阅读中看到认识的词)也就小几百个,适用于英文学术写作的主动词汇就更少。我说的 100 个精选词汇是适用于任何话题作文的实意词汇,如果静下心来熟悉这些词的用法,掌握它们的搭配,研究它们的例句,并且自己在写作练习中反复使用它们,你的英文写作能力能提升数倍。

100 个单词

为什么是 100 个词,而不是 1000 词呢?兵法云,「伤其十指,不如断其一指」。很多同学记了一大堆句型和主题紧密相关的表达,但由于网撒得太广,导致练习深度远远不够,到了考场上根本记不起来用它们,即便用上了也可能在拼写、用法、搭配上出尽洋相,这就属于「伤其十指」。而「断其一指」,是指积累适用性广泛的表达,把它们研究透、训练透,最后在考场上能主动用,用了还能确保准确无误。



As is authentically shown in the picture, the girl has stayed in bed at 20:45, but she still goes on her phone at midnight (about 23:45), always creating reasons of having profuse time to make herself continue to be on phone. As a matter of fact, it is our real life, which this picture turns out, that has enough and ridiculous grounds to let us stay in front of the screen and trigger someone to indulge into phone.

这种遣词造句在中国英语学习者中特别常见,给人的感觉是:做作、不通畅。因为所有加粗的地方都是考生当场造出来的,没有一处使用贴切且地道。比如第一句,as is shown 是考研范文里的经典开头,考生害怕跟其他同学「撞衫」,妄图通过加一个估计从阅读里积累来的 authentically 来告诉阅卷老师:我是一个词汇量很大的宝宝。


我从 100 词中里挑了几个词,然后花了 2 分 24 秒写了下面这段话:

In the picture we can see a little girl who is obsessed with her mobile phone. At 20:45, she thinks it is still early so she does not want to sleep. Three hours vanish. Conscious that it is late at night, she justifies herself by saying, "It is still 15 minutes to midnight. I can use my phone for a while."



对,是动词!很多人润色作文的时候,喜欢替换修饰用的形容词,比如上面那个同学在 time 前面放个不痛不痒的 profuse,看起来能让自己的表达看起来高级一些,但这不该是你努力的方向,动词才是。准确使用动词,是给你的句子换基因。

当然,准确地使用动词就要求你对「这个词可以用在哪里、怎么使用?」十分清楚。比如上面那段话里我用到了 conscious 这个词:

Conscious that it is late at night, she justifies herself by saying, "It is still 15 minutes to midnight. I can use my phone for a while."

如果你以为这是我现场发挥出来 conscious that 这个表达的,那就太天真了。其实柯林斯高阶有这样一个例句:

Conscious that he was becoming light-headed again, he went over to the window. 他意识到自己又开始头晕了,于是走向窗边。

这里的 conscious 是 conscious the fact that 的省略,这个用法我在平时练习的时候,用了超过 20 次。你和考官觉得神来之笔的地方,不过是刻意练习的结果罢了。

此外我还把常用的句型分成了 9 个大类,一共 30 个句型。

30 个句型

这 30 个实用句型覆盖各类语法现象,充分掌握的话能使你的文章富有变化性(flexibility)。还是以最开始的那段英文为例,有两个句子似乎衔接得不太好:

At 20:45, she thinks it is still early and she does not want to sleep.

It is still 15 minutes to midnight. I can play for a while.

我们用不定式短语中的一个句型 too+adj./adv.+(for sb/sth)+to+V. 来改造第一句,用状语从句(表因果)的一个句型 now (that)+S.+V. 来改造第二句。


In the picture we can see a little girl who is obsessed with her mobile phone. At 20:45, she thinks it is still too early to go to sleep, so she continues to use her phone. Three hours vanish. Conscious that it is late at night, she justifies herself by saying, "Now that it is still 15 minutes to midnight, I can use my phone for a while."

如果用这 100 个动词和 30 个句型,去撰写考研写作的范文,会不会很劲爆?作文里,这些知识点反反复复出现,你背范文的过程其实就是不断内化这 100 个动词和 30 个句型的过程。反正都要背范文,为什么不背这种背了未来能用的范文呢?


上面说的 100 个动词和 30 个句型,既是为考场上的大作文保驾护航,也是为了帮助你把小作文写得出彩和顺利。

比如 2020 英语一小作文的题目是写告示告知留学生参加音乐节:

The Student Union of your university has assigned you to inform the international students of an upcoming singing contest. Write a notice in about 120 words


如果熟练掌握这 100 个动词,你可以在现场写出这样的英文作文:

To enrich students』 life and promote friendship, a singing competition initiated by the Student Union is to be held in the school hall from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. on 10 July.
