
在段落中间,我们找到 question,又找到了一个非常明显的标志词 outside the self,并且还在后面搭了一个中文注释,所以 L 段是 54 题的正确选项!

54. The question you aresupposed to write about may seem outside the self, but the theme of the essay should center around its impact on you.

再看 M

M)"For all the anxiety the essay causes," says Bill McClintick of Mercersburg Academy in Pennsylvania, "it's a very small piece of the puzzle. I was in college admissions for 10 years. I saw kids and parents beat themselves up over this. And at the vast majority of places, it is simply not a big variable in the college's decision-making process."

在 M 段的开头和结尾的地方,出现了两个标志词 anxiety 和 decision-making process.(非常明显的标志词)

所以 M 段是 53 题的正确答案:

53. Although the application essay causes lots of anxiety, it does not play so important a role in the college』s decision-making process.

再看 N 段:

N)Many admissions officers say they spend less than a couple of minutes on each application, including the essay. According to a recent survey of admissions officers, only one in four private colleges say the essay is of "considerable importance" in judging an application. Among public colleges and universities, the number drops to roughly one in 10. By contrast, 86 percent place "considerable importance" on an applicant's grades, 70 percent on "strength of curriculum."

上来出现了一个 recent survey 与 52 题对应,又出现 grades 与 52 题对应,三个单词对应,所以 N 选项是 52 题的正确答案!

52. According to a recent survey, most public colleges and universities consider an applicant』s grades highly important.

最后一段 O 段!(唯一有难度的题目)

O)Still, at the most selective schools, where thousands of candidates may submit identically high grades and test scores, a marginal item like the essay may serve as a tie-breaker between two equally qualified candidates. The thought is certainly enough to keep the pot boiling under parents like Meg, the lawyer-mom, as she tries to help her son choose an essay topic. For a moment the other day, she thought she might have hit on a good one. 「His father's from France," she says. "I said maybe you could write about that, as something that makes you different. You know: half French, half American. I said, You could write about your identity issues."He said, „I don‟t have any identity issues!‟And he‟s right. He‟s a well-adjusted, normal kid. But that doesn‟t make for a good essay, does it?"

后半部分出现 makes you different 与 distinguishes 同义替换,

49. Applicants are usually better off if they can write an essay that distinguishes them from the rest.

以上是六级匹配阅读的真题,大家可以完全按照我给的方法做,10 道对 8 个问题不大(因为六级匹配阅读有 8 道题是比较简单的)就像我之前讲的,一定要控制好时间,找到 2 处以上单词对应,不要犹豫,就选。

时间控制在 25 分钟之内。匹配阅读的分值没有仔细阅读分值高,所以按照我的方法,又快又好地做好就 OK 了!

