
翻译:总之,作为一个大学生,我不仅认为 XXX(真善美特点)是对年轻人有益的品性,而且我也认为做 XXX(真善美的事)是必须的。

(2) To summarize,in current society,doing XXX is a rational choice for the young. It can do A, do B, and do C. That’s why I believe doing XXX is beneficial to both individual growth and development of human beings.

ABC 代表「做 XXX」给年轻人带来的好处,比如 deepen our knowledge,encourage better cooperation in a team,improve professional capacities.

翻译:总而言之,在当今社会,对年轻人来说做 XXX(真善美的事)是理性的选择。它可以产生 ABC 的好处(见注释)。这就是为什么我认为做 XXX(真善美的事)对个人成长和人类发展都有好处。

(3) Based on the arguments above, I can firmly assert that we should do XXX since we are the new generation of China.

do XXX 表示作文事件真善美的一面

翻译:基于上述论据,我坚定的主张我们应该做 XXX(真善美的事)因为我们是中国的新一代。



(1)The line graph shows that the past XXX decades have seen great progress in XXX,reflecting the social phenomenon that …

翻译:折线图反应了在过去 XXX 几十年内,XXX 发生了巨大进步,反应了 XXX 的社会现象。

(2) As is demonstrated in the line graph, it took XXX years for A to change from XXX to XXX, which indicates the growing trend of…

翻译:正如折线图展现的那样,A 用了 xxx 年从 xxx 变成了 xxx,表明了 xxx 的增长趋势。

(3) The line curve illustrates the fluctuating data of XXX, ranging from A to B. According to the graph, an increasing number of XXX have done sth, leading to the social problem that…

翻译:折线图展现了 xxx 数据的变化,从 A 变到 B。根据该图,越来越多的 XXX 做了什么,导致了某社会现象。


(1)The bar chart illustrates different XXX during the year from XXX to XXX. XXX enjoyed the greatest popularity among XXX, with the percentage reaching as high as XXX.

翻译:柱状图说明了在 XXX 年至 XXX 年间 XXX 的不同。在 XXX 中,XXX(饼图占比最大的部分)最流行,其百分比高达 XXX%。

(2) The bar chart compares A with B. It is evident that XXX(说明 A、B 比较的结果). The phenomenon reveals the fact that…

翻译:柱状图比较了 A 和 B。很明显的看出+说明 A、B 比较的结果。这一现象说明了 XXX.

(3) According to the above bar chart, XXX changed a lot during XXX years from XXX to XXX. This shows that there is a tendency for …

翻译:根据上述柱状图,XXX 在 XXX 年间发生了很大的变化。这表明了 XXX 有一种趋势。


(1) As is exhibited in the pie chart,XXX has gone through a huge change that it ranges from XXX to XXX, reflecting the social phenomenon that …

翻译:正如饼图展示的那样,XXX 发生了巨大的变化,它从 XXX 变成了 XXX,反映了 XXX 的社会现象。

(2) The pie chart presents diversified categories that XXX. According to the graph,XXX was the most popular in year XXX while XXX% of people would prefer to choose it. There are reasons behind this phenomenon.

翻译:饼图展现了 XXX 的不同类别。根据该图,XXX 年 XXX 是最流行的因有 XXX% 的人选择了它。这种现象背后有很多原因。

(3) The pie chart reflects the reason why …. in year XXX. In year XXX, XXX% of people would choose XXX, while XXX% of people preferred the other way. This indicates that…

翻译:饼图反映了在 XXX 年发生 XXX 事件的原因。在 XXX 年,XXX% 的人会选择 XXX,然而 XXX% 的人另有选择。这说明了…


Dear professor/my friends,


I am very pleased to be informed that … 我非常高兴的获知…

I am writing to …我写下此信是为了…

I felt the need to write this letter to you to…我感觉有必要向你写这封信来…

The main reason for writing this letter is that…写下这封信的主要原因是…


We would be grateful if this matter would have your immedicate attention.


I would appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as possible.


Thank you for your patience and understanding.


I appreciate your patience, and I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Sincerely yours./Yours sincerely./Kind regards.XXX


题目:Wealth of the mind is the only true wealth


When it comes to people’s idea about wealth, a host of people consider earning a lot of money as the true meaning of wealth, while from my perspective, I regard wealth of the mind as the only true wealth.

First and foremost, it is acknowledged that people who are spiritual wealthy feel satisfied by things beyond material wealth, exerting great influence on improving living quality and gaining happiness. For example, They will put more emphasis on pursuing what they truly what, such as healthy living style, useful new knowledge and happy hour with family members. Besides, spiritual wealthy people are not slaves of money. Those people will not spend all of their time chasing money because they believe that there are other things in life worth experiencing. Being slaves of money makes people miss out on having fun in life.

I, as one of the new generation of our country, deem that it is of great necessity for youngsters to realize the importance of wealthy mind. To sum up, the wealth of the mind is the only true wealth because knowledge from different subjects can make people’s life colorful.


高分魔法棒!年底四六级,过过过! 备案号:YXA1bKrZb1bcxMjwK1ocPDPy编辑于 2021-12-10 15:04​赞同 3 万​​1,253 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢​收起​
